Wednesday 9 September 2015

How To Use Email Analytics To Increase Conversions

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Your email campaign is one of the most important elements in your online marketing efforts. The newsletters that you send out to your subscribers allow you to create an on-going narrative displaying your continued success, as well as thanking your followers for their continued support.

On top of this, you will of course be trying to build a persuasive argument for those same followers to continue to purchase your goods or services, download further material, or subscribe to more information. But, how can you be sure that your emails are even being opened and not just simply destined for trash bins as soon as you hit send? And, even if you had this information, what can you do with it to create the necessary change?

Email Analytics

By implementing an email analytics software into your system you’re able to find out exactly what happens to your emails when they reach your users’ inboxes. This includes if they’re opened or not, what time of day each user is more likely to take action on them, and what day of the week is the best time to gain the most click through rates. This information can be invaluable to your email campaign, as you can start to tailor your sending schedules to maximise your ROI and take your business to the next level.

So let’s take a look at what the benefits of email analytics are in a little more detail. Read more


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