Friday 30 October 2015

7 Strategies to Give Your Email Campaign a Human Touch

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When creating an email campaign, it's easy to think about the people on the receiving end of your emails merely as leads in a system, versus actual humans with a personality. With that sort of mindset, you'll only end up alienating subscribers from your business instead of building a real relationship with them.

Why is Humanization Important?

Before we get into the what of email humanization let’s think about the why in a little more detail.
  • Humanization cultivates relationships—when you humanize your emails, subscribers begin to feel as if they’re having a real conversation with a real person. They don’t feel as if they’re just being marketed to by a faceless entity behind a screen. Humanization makes your brand come alive.
  • Humanization encourages contact—because subscribers begin to feel more as if they are in a conversation, they will in turn be more likely to respond to your emails. This encourages contact between your business and target audience, which once again helps to build a deeper and more emotional connection.
  • Humanization marks your business as different—the majority of emails that your subscribers are receiving probably won’t be personalized to them. When you begin humanizing, your emails will begin to stand out in subscribers’ inboxes, thereby increasing open rate and engagement metrics.


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